National Geographic's THE POETRY OF US, edited by J. Patrick Lewis
The Poetry Of Us features two poems by Irene: "At the Drive-In" and "I Give Thanks for Trussville, Alabama".
WORLD MAKE WAY: New Poems Inspired by Art from the Metropolitan Museum
Published by Abrams Books and available from
This volume edited by Lee Bennett Hopkins includes Irene's poem "This is the Hour."
School People: Poems
WordSong/Boyds Mills Press
This anthology celebrates all the grown-ups kids encounter at school. Includes Irene's poem "Music Teacher".
The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations
Pomelo Books
The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations features holiday poems for the whole year in English and Spanish.
Includes Irene's poem Let's Celebrate the Elephant for August 12, World Elephant Day.
The Poetry Friday Anthology 6-8
Pomelo Books
The Poetry Friday Anthology for Middle School: Poems for the School Year with Connections to the Common Core (Middle School Edition, Grades 6-8) Includes Irene's poems The World According to Climbers and Biking Along White Rim Road
The Poetry Friday Anthology K-5
Pomelo Books
The Poetry Friday Anthology (Common Core). This volume contains 218 poems for K-5 with curriculum connections for each. (K-5 Edition) Includes Irene's poems Summer Storm and Backpack

The Poetry Friday Anthology Science version
Pomelo Books
The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science (Grades K-5) features 218 poems by 78 award-winning and popular poets, connecting science with reading and language arts.
Includes Irene's poems Science Fair, Riddle for a Dry Day, and Riddle for a Wet Day